Pam Halter
Writing Editing Serving




SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER! If you’d like to get my news and see what I’m up to, please go down to the bottom of the page and sign up. I promise not to blow up your inbox. I send out one newsletter a month and an occasional annoucement.



                                                                                          BOOKS MAKE THE PERFECT GIFT!!!

                                         You can get copies of Fairyeater and all the anthologies I’m in from me if you want signed copies!


                                                 I’m offering book swag for the two newest books … Fairyeater and The Invisible Files.

                                            Fairyeater comes with a bookmark, temporary tattoo, and fridge magnet of Tzmet’s Window.

                                                                           The Invisible Files comes with an invisible ink pen!

                                                                                                   $15 each plus shipping

                               If you’d like to order copies of these or any of the other anthologies I’m in, email me at [email protected]















I’m pleased to announce I’m now on the blogging team for Write2Ignite, a group of Christian authors who write for children from birth to teens. I’ll be blogging once a month on the 3rd Thursday. 





                                                                                  IMPORTANT Willoughby News

Willoughby’s publisher and my dear sister in Christ, Candy Abbott, passed away from cancer on Jan. 15, 2023. Fruitbearer Publishing has been disbanded, so you won’t be able to order Willoughby books from Fruitbearer or me. You may be able to still get them from third party sellers on Amazon or Alibris.

Kim & I have been approached with a fabulous idea for getting Willoughby back in print! I’ll be sure to let you know when all the details are in place.







                                                                        Willoughby’s COLORING AND ACTIVITY BOOK is still available from me!






Coloring books are available for $5.00, ONLY THROUGH ME – if you want to order any, please contact me (at the bottom of the page) through this website. Thanks! 

Every coloring book purchase includes a box of crayons.




Fairyeater and all the anthologies I’m in can be purchased on Amazon!  Woot! It would be a great help if you would please go to Amazon and type in the title and hit search. Then put it on your Wishlist. This doesn’t cost a thing and will give the books a boost in the search engines!  This goes for ALL books. If you want to help out an author, don’t click on a link. Go to Amazon and follow the instructions above. 


All authors need book reviews, so please leave a review on Amazon. It can be as simple as “I liked it” or more indepth. The best reviews tell why you liked or didn’t like the story, so please keep that in mind when you write a review. Please don’t leave a bad review because you received a copy with bent pages or if it was delivered late. Reviews are about how you liked or did not like the STORY.  

If you need specific help, there’s a great list on this blog post: 




Here’s the link for my interview with Family Fiction Magazine about Willoughby!




Kim and I love talking about books, writing and illustrating. If you would like to have us come to your church, group, school, or library, please contact me through this website. We are also available for workshops for children, teens, and adults.


You can follow me on Amazon: 

And on Facebook: